Why we are still fighting.

Wil Cunningham
6 min readJun 11, 2020
Photo by Donovan Valdivia on Unsplash

And why we should stop…

I remember watching a video years ago recorded during the civil rights movement in the southern U.S. A black man, tall, well-dressed, with a proud step, was walking down the sidewalk. A group of about fifteen white men were gathered around him. Nothing in the video showed what came before or after, there was no context. As he walked, they followed, with an almost visible rage. They wanted him to run, or to cower, but he didn’t. He just walked, almost majestic. One man stepped forward to push him. He recovered and continued to walk. Another man stepped out and punched him in the back of the head. He recovered and continued to walk. The clip ended. I don’t know what came next.

This week I’ve seen clips or articles of white people attacking a lone black person, black people attacking a lone white person, Trump people attacking Antifa people, Antifa people attacking Trump people, left attacking right, right attacking left,and Asians getting beaten because they are somehow responsible for COVID. A twitter post I read recently started with, “I always knew democrats were stupid…” The context has changed, but it’s the same old story. We haven’t learned.

Play a game with me for a moment. Imagine that there is one race that is superior to all the others, one sex is better than the other, one religious or irreligious…

